Body coolsculpting in Bowling Green, KY

Platinum Promise™ – Because we stand behind our results.
We believe in the "whole" patient approach and advocate personalized care to all of our patients.  At Platinum Sculpt, we are passionate about aesthetics and body wellness.  Maintaining a healthy body image is within reach as we assess candidates and help steer them towards realistic and attainable goals.
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Make Your Body Goals a Reality

No needles, no surgery, no downtime needed.

CoolSculpting fat reduction utilizes patented cooling technology to remove fat cells, without surgery or downtime. So, thank you science. And thank you to the scientists from Harvard that developed this ground-breaking, FDA-cleared fat-freezing treatment. CoolSculpting gives visible and lasting results to help you look and feel your best.

The fact is that sometimes stubborn fat simply will not budge, regardless of how intense the exercise or how strict the diet. CoolSculpting targets those problem areas, resulting in a more toned look. Our medical and nursing specialists have mastered the technology to administer a treatment that's safe and comfortable and provides you with results that you'll definitely love.

What areas can we treat with CoolSculpting?

  • Stomach and Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Arms
  • Love Handles and Flanks
  • Back Bulge and Bra Area
  • Under Buttocks (Banana Roll)
  • Double Chin

How does CoolSculpting work?

CoolSculpting technology precisely targets fat cells beneath the skin, and cools them to temperatures that trigger their natural death. Over time, the treated fat cells shrink and are naturally metabolized and removed by your body, leaving a more toned you. With CoolSculpting, once the treated fat cells are gone, they're gone for good.

Despite diet and exercise, fat cells collect in the body and can be very difficult to get rid of. CoolSculpting technology uses controlled cooling (Cryolipolysis) to target, freeze, and kill just these fat cells. In the weeks to follow, these fat cells are naturally eliminated from the body. CoolSculpting results are long-term, as treated fat cells are gone for good.

CoolSculpting Comparison

CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction

A procedure of fat removal, liposuction is an operation that requires individuals to undergo general anesthesia. It works by using large tubes to remove fat from targeted areas of the body, leaving individuals with immediate results. Nevertheless, it's an invasive procedure and can require a week or two of recovery. CoolSculpting does not require surgery and therefore has no downtime.

CoolSculpting vs. Diet and Exercise

Your health-- along with your appearance-- is primarily reliant on a well-balanced diet and routine exercise. CoolSculpting shouldn't take the place of either of these, but instead serve as an aid that can help you accomplish your goals. Diet and exercise can help reduce the appearance of fat cells, but they do not permanently rid your body of them. CoolSculpting freezes off fat cells for good, enhancing your diet plan and serving as great encouragement for keeping a healthy lifestyle.

What to Anticipate

Prior to Treatment

  • You should maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine before attempting CoolSculpting
  • You'll need to avoid anti-inflammatories such as aspirin before the treatment
  • We'll weigh you and take a few pictures before beginning the treatment

During Treatment

  • Treatments can take as little as 35 minutes
  • Expect minor discomfort, like pulling and pinching, during the treatments
  • Feel free to bring a book or a laptop to use during the treatment

After Treatment

  • Within three weeks to three months, you'll start to see changes
  • Arrange a follow-up evaluation to review your results
  • Try to keep a healthy diet and exercise regimen

For Body CoolSculpting in Bowling Green, Kentucky, give us a call at (270) 621-0078, and our expert staff will help you with any questions you have. Consultations are always pressure-free and NO CHARGE. Check out our other packages and services at Let’s eliminate unwanted fat non-surgically in an instant today!

"Great experience!  Nurses and staff were amazing, kind, and thoughtful. Can’t wait to see my results!  They offer lots too. Would definitely recommend!"
Jenny Lawyer

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